Endocrine and Breast Surgery

Diabetes and breast cancer conditions are treated in the endocrine and breast surgery unit. Thus, you can get rid of your ailments and regain your health.

Thyroid (Goiter) Nodules

Thyroid Cancer

Parathyroid (Adjacent Thyroid Gland) Diseases

Parathyroid (Adjacent Thyroid Gland) Adenoma and Cancer

Adrenal Gland

Neuroendocrine Tumors

Malignant Breast Diseases

Benign Breast Diseases

Endocrine and Breast Surgery: Comprehensive Care for Various Diseases

Endocrine and breast surgery is a specialized unit dedicated to the treatment of various diseases. In endocrine surgery, disorders related to hormones produced by organs are treated. This unit also handles the treatment of tumors. Specifically, problems related to the thyroid are addressed here. Endocrine surgery also covers issues in the pancreas and other tissues. In the realm of breast surgery, treatments for breast cancer and various other breast diseases are provided. Additionally, breast-conserving surgical procedures are performed.

Early diagnosis is crucial for achieving successful outcomes in endocrine and breast surgery. Different methods are employed for diagnosis. Early detection can be achieved through physical examination and mammography. MRI, PET, and CT scans are also among the diagnostic tools used. In cases where necessary or when other diagnostic methods do not yield results, lymph node biopsy is performed.

Diseases Treated Under Endocrine and Breast Surgery

Some of the diseases treated under endocrine surgery include:

  • Goiter
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Thyroid nodules
  • Graves’ disease
  • Types of hyperthyroidism
  • Adrenal cancer
  • Adrenal metastases
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Cushing’s syndrome

Various factors can cause these diseases. Genetic predisposition is one of the primary reasons. Exposure to radiation during childhood or undergoing radiotherapy can lead to thyroid cancer. Conditions like Down syndrome, iodine deficiency, and diabetes can also result in thyroid cancer. Early detection of the disease is essential, with symptoms such as neck swelling, difficulty breathing, and hoarseness being taken seriously. Additionally, symptoms like reduced libido, irritability, and sudden weight gain can occur. Blood and cholesterol levels may drop in the case of thyroid cancer.

Breast surgery units focus on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. They also handle the treatment of benign breast diseases. Breast cysts are among the most common conditions treated. Issues like nipple discharge, fibroadenomas, and pain also necessitate consulting breast surgery. Symptoms such as swelling in the armpits or on the breast surface can help in the early detection of cancer.

Procedures Performed in Endocrine Surgery

The thyroid gland is a vital tissue in the human body. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are crucial for maintaining vital functions. Humans also have parathyroid glands, which help regulate calcium levels. If these tissues do not function properly, various diseases can arise. Adrenal glands, similar to parathyroid glands, perform essential functions. Treatments in endocrine surgery aim to resolve these issues. Depending on the condition, specific procedures are performed in endocrine surgery. These include total thyroidectomy and thyroid lobectomy. Thyroid cancer can spread to different parts of the body over time. In such cases, tissues other than the thyroid gland may also need to be removed. Procedures like pancreas removal and adrenal gland removal are also conducted in endocrine surgery.

Procedures Performed in Breast Surgery

Breast surgery aims to preserve the integrity of the breast. However, if this is not possible, the entire interior of the breast may need to be removed. Mastectomy involves the complete removal of the breast tissue. This procedure is generally applied to patients in advanced stages. For patients in the early stages, nipple-sparing mastectomy is performed. In this method, even though the breast tissue is removed, the nipple and skin remain intact. Silicone implants are used to achieve a natural appearance.

Mastectomy can be performed on one or both breasts. If necessary, lymph nodes in the armpit may also be removed. There are various surgical techniques, including scarless and oncoplastic surgeries. Postoperative care for breast cancer surgery is critical. Medication adherence is paramount. Arm movements should be restricted for a certain period. Typically, patients can return to their daily lives within two to three weeks after the operation.